The present website, is an electronic store (e-shop), displaying and selling products via the Internet, of the company with the trade name "zenias" based in Thessaloniki, Komninon 17, with VAT number 043020270.

Before proceeding to browse our website, please consult the terms and conditions that govern the rights and obligations of, to all users who will visit it.

Make sure you agree with the terms and conditions because your further use and browsing of the website implies your express and unreserved consent and agreement with them.

The company "" is committed to protecting the personal data of its customers.
For this reason, we manage your personal data with care, and in accordance with National and European Legislation as defined by Law 2472/1997 and Regulation (EU) no. 679/2016 (GDPR).
By visiting “” you accept the practices described in this privacy notice.
Its users hereby give their express consent to the collection and processing of their personal data, while they can revoke or modify it at any time.
We reserve the right to change the terms of personal data protection, in accordance with the current regulatory framework. Please check these terms periodically for any changes, as your continued participation in our services implies your acceptance of all possible modifications.
The collection and management of users' personal data by (company name) is subject to the following conditions as well as to national, community and international law, regarding the protection of the individual from the processing of personal data as applicable from time to time.
What information is considered personal data?
Personal data is data that can be used to identify or contact an individual.
In order to offer you better services and facilitate your shopping with product suggestions that suit you, we collect personal data after your express consent and after you have previously been fully informed of your rights, as provided for in the provisions of articles 11, 12 and 13 of Law 2472/1997 and corresponding provisions of Regulation 679/2016 GDPR.

Purpose of collecting personal information:
"" collects, maintains and processes personal data only when the users themselves voluntarily provide it, with an exclusive and unique purpose:

  • our communication with users or the provision of its services (sending products and advertising material)
  • product advertising.
  • providing customer services (offers, informative emails)
  • informing users about promotions, offers and contests
  • informing users about new products
  • offering a personalized experience on our websites
  • extracting information from users regarding the experience of using the website, with the aim of continuously improving it
  • any research related to the purpose of operation and its statistical analysis
  • communication, dispute resolution or collection of amounts due

To serve the above purposes, we may contact you by email, phone, SMS or Viber.

Where is your personal information collected from?
Providing all personal information is voluntary, but also necessary to use our services, such as bidding or purchasing information required to complete a transaction.

We collect personal information upon your voluntary choice, either directly from you or from any devices (including mobile devices) you use when:

  • you use our services
  • you register as a user of the online store
  • submit an order via the website submission form, by phone or by email
  • subscribe to the newsletter subscriber list
  • provide us with information about you in the website contact forms
  • update or add account information;

What kind of personal information do you give us when you use our services or create an account on our website?

Personal information we collect using cookies:
We use cookies to collect information about the pages you view, the links you click, and other actions you take while using our services. For more information about the use of these technologies and how to control them, see List of cookies we collect.
If you do not wish to participate in advertising personalization programs, you may opt out by following the instructions provided by your browser.
We do not allow third parties to track or collect your personal information from our website for their own advertising purposes without your consent.

What rights does the user have to his personal data?
We respect your right to access, correct, request erasure or request restriction of the use of your personal information, as required by the applicable law 2472/1997 and regulation 679/2016 GDPR.

How do we protect your personal information?
We protect your personal information by using security measures to reduce the risks of loss, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure and alteration of your personal information.

The website, "", its design and content, its texts, graphics, selection and settings, are intellectual property

All prices listed on products include 24% VAT and do not include shipping or cash on delivery costs. These prices concern the products, but also the quantities, provided that they are available and sufficient, while the company reserves every right to change the prices of the products sold without prior warning.

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